OnePlus、背面のカラーが変化するコンセプトモデル「OnePlus 8T Concept」発表


コンセプトモデル「OnePlus 8T Concept」発表

中国のメーカーOnePlus(ワンプラス)は、状態により背面のカラーが変化するコンセプトモデル「OnePlus 8T Concept」を発表しました。


OnePlus 8T Conceptは、背面ガラスに金属酸化物を含む色が変化するフィルムを使用されています。電圧により金属酸化物が活性化するとガラスの色が濃い青から薄い銀に変化する技術「Electronic Color, Material and Finish (ECMF)」とmmWaveを利用したデバイスがオブジェクトを認識、画像化、位置特定、追跡する技術「Reactive Sensing Technology (ECMP + mmWave)」により、カラー変化による通知やタッチレス操作、ユーザーの呼吸と同期したカラー変化などを実現している。


OnePlus 8T Concept – Hands On 1

OnePlus 8T Conceptはコンセプトモデルなので販売予定はありません。



Electronic Color, Material and Finish (ECMF)
ECMF allows the physical design of a device to work dynamically with the user and software features. The OnePlus 8T Concept ECMF uses a color-changing film that contains metal oxide in glass. The valence state of the metal ions varies under different voltages so when the metal oxide activates, the color of the glass changes from a dark blue to a light silver.

Reactive Sensing Technology (ECMP + mmWave)
The ECMF design becomes truly interactive by working in combination with mmWave to change the way we interact with our technology. The working principle behind this technology, borrowed from 5G, is that the mmWave radar module transmits and receives electromagnetic waves. When receiving electromagnetic waves, the digital signal processing (DSP) and CPU perform signal and information processing, allowing the device to perceive, image, locate, and track objects.

Potential User Benefits
Combining the shifting colors on the electrochromic back of the OnePlus 8T Concept with mmWave sensing technology is just the first step in opening up a wide range of possibilities for how people interact with their smartphones. In the near future, we believe there will be many more uses for Reactive Sensing.

Touchless notifications – ECMF could flash colors for an incoming call, and users could accept or reject the call with a simple gesture.That will allow users to control the OnePlus 8T Concept using gestures without even touching the device.

Breathing monitor – The mmWave technology can register a user’s breathing, enabling the color to change in sync and effectively making the phone a biofeedback device. The OnePlus 8T Concept, in effect, breathes with you.





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